
Quarantine Journaling

Today was day one of working from home! I survived!! I was really worried about social distancing and ensuring the health and safety of my loved ones and myself. Before today I could not wait to work from home. After day one I can safely say... this is going to be a long journey!

I never accounted for all of the interactions one has face to face at work between co-workers. You take that option away and you know what’s left? A thousand emails and video conferences!!! I think I worked even harder at home. Also my work from home set up is not as comfortable as my office. Bummer! 😫 #firstworldproblems#missingcoworkers

one plus is that I have used my normal commute time to journal. This has been helpful with increasing my journaling, which has decreased my anxiety slightly.

QOTD: How are you guys doing with either working from home, social distancing or being in the community?
